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What is a landing page and why is it important?

Within Digital Marketing, conversions play a key role. What’s the point in attracting millions of monthly visitors to your website if you don’t achieve the goals of your company’s marketing proposals? This is where landing pages come in.


Landing pages are different to and independent from your main web page and seek to attract visitors with a determined purpose. Their content is focused on conversion and in reaching a specific Marketing goal. Generally, the idea is to get visitors to carry out any action that you need and one that will benefit you in some way. These actions can be: providing personal details, subscribing, buying a product or a service, etc.


Of course, you can’t forget that consumers also have their own goals and needs to fulfil when arriving at a landing page. For this, you need to give the consumer something in return for carrying out the action you require. You can offer a free course or free material, special discounts and free trials amongst other things.


What makes a landing page?

  • Título: debe ser llamativo y comunicar en una sola oración lo que estás ofreciendo.
  • Subtitle: this should be clear and concise in telling the consumer what they will get.
  • Call to action: this is a button that invites people to carry out the action you want from them.
  • Forms: this is a space where consumers provide their details that you need in order to achieve your goals. Try to only ask for the necessary details, asking for too much can overwhelm consumers and even cause mistrust.


TIP: On your landing pages you can also ask for some details that can help you get to know the people that visit your page to improve your Marketing strategies. For example, city, country, postcode. Just remember to not ask for too much personal information that you wouldn’t want to give away either.

  • Audiovisual content: on your landing page, you can use attention grabbing photos or videos as a tool to keep your visitor’s attention and succeed in getting them to do the action you want.
  • Benefits: it’s a space designed to tell customers about the benefits they will get if they carry out this action. They have to be clear, short, easy to understand messages.
  • Customer testimonials: in order to generate more brand credibility, you can place testimonials on your landing page. This is so that customers feel that they can trust you when they carry out that action you require.


TIP: After having shown the benefits and testimonials on your landing page, you can add a second call to action so that you customers, now more-informed and trusting, can carry out that action.



As mentioned before, all the components on your landing page have to focus on convincing the visitor to perform this one action that can have a positive effect on your Marketing goals. For this, you need to leave aside anything that can distract the customer. Information about the company, blog posts, and anything to do with your products can all go on your main web page. Remember that your landing page is centred on one goal and, therefore, on one product or service.


And now, after reading all of this, will you continue to go without a landing page? Go out and make one now!

Artículo anterior

Why CTAs are important