Connect online
With the advent of the internet, one of the benefits is that we can immediately stay in touch with our prospective and current clients cutting out the middleman, i.e. direct marketing.
One of the main tools for this type of marketing is email marketing. Through this method, you can create low-cost, measurable online campaigns with high ROI (Return on Investment).
When creating an email marketing campaign, it’s important to remember that the goal is not always to make a sale. Of course, as a company or a brand you’ll want to make a profit, but all good things come to those who wait!
To have clients willing to buy your products and services, they have to get to know you, remember you, and in the best of cases, consider you among their first choices (top of mind). For this, the client relationship is important.
Sending personalised and relevant messages is key to getting responses and interest on the client’s part. In short, the content provides value, and that is done through clear goals. Segmenting your database, creating effective messages and designing mail.
Based on demographics, behaviour, interests and other client information, you can develop a communcation strategy and, in this way, develop effective content for each segment.
It’s quality over quantity.
How often should you be using email marketing?
Having said all that, you can now establish how often you want to send out emails. It depends on what you want, or in other words, on your business goals and, overall, on who you want to receive these emails.
How often you send emails depends on the time of year. A Christmas and New Year’s campaign, in which you’ll give your subscribers season’s greetings is different to a campaign where you are launching a new line of make up. Certain segments of your database will probably not be interested.
If the subject line isn’t attention grabbing, then the client won’t even bother opening the email and your message will go straight to junk. Other things can happen too, they can unsubscribe from the email list, or if they’re not a subscriber, they can report you or simply mark you as spam.
Getting your receviever to read the message and take action depends on how relevant the content is for that person. There is no perfect amount of emails you can send.
What you should know:
Revise and analyse your metrics. One of the advantages of email marketing is that you can measure the effectiveness of your campaign.
Through the click through rate (CTR) and when the email arrives in the inbox and not to spam, also known as deliverability, you can figure out the amount of time you should leave between sending out your emails.
Also, using the same metrics, you can carry out some tests. With the A/B test you can check what the right amount of time is between sending emails. It’s about comparing two variables and analysing the results.
For example, compare the click rate and the time between emails. If you notice that the more emails you send on the same subject, the lower the rate or metric, think about it and change how many emails you send out.
In conclusion, there is no secret or definitive number of emails you can send in a certain period of time or set of emails in a digital campaign. It depends on your communication strategy, segment and, of course, on the response and reaction you get from those emails.