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What is a content offer and how does it work?

Escrito el por DAAS Suite

One of the main goals of any marketing strategy is to introduce people to the world of your brand or company. That is, to spark a conversation, either through your social networks or, for example, through a mailing list.



And what better way to start a conversation with customers than by getting their contact details and information. But how can you do this?.


The answer is this one: through an exchange.


What can we exchange? How do we provide value so that someone will want to entrust us with their data and kick start a long-term conversation?


This “something” that we give in exchange for information is precisely what we call the Content Offer.


Let’s review some examples of the most common formats of Content Offers:


– Ebooks

– Tools

– Kits

– Webinars

– Videos

– Checklists

– Practical Guides


There’s no special requirement that a piece of content needs to have in order to be a Content Offer.


The logic is the following: if you have invested a considerable amount of time or effort in creating a piece of valuable content that responds to the needs of your audiences, you have every right to exchange it for something of value to you: information. Those are the nuts and bolts of a content offer.


With more information through the content offer, you can develop better strategies to bring customers closer to your brand.